I have photos for you today, but am having trouble with coherent thoughts to go with them. I feel jangly, if that makes any sense, and I don't know why. Maybe "low-grade agitation" is a more precise term than jangly. I do think part of it is lack of sleep, one of the common complaints of menopause. Come to think of it, increased anxiety is
also a symptom of menopause. The hot flashes have been worse lately, too. Okay; I guess I DO know what my problem is. What's YOUR excuse? Ha!
Lucky sheep; they don't have to worry about menopause.
Nightcap's harem |
WhitePine Sarai |
Kimberwood Marta |
Whistlestop 0338 (Annabelle) |
I spent a good chunk of today helping my MIL with moving stuff. Fortunately we weren't on a schedule of any kind, so I could pull over and try to capture some of our amazing scenery while driving over the hill and back. The light was capricious, teasing me with breathtaking shots and then dancing away.
Who wouldn't rather live here than Mesa, AZ? ;-)
While discussing various ideas for my MIL's interior and exterior decorating, I thought I saw an old cardboard box in her backyard. I paused and looked closer, and realized it was a beautiful doe!
She seemed pretty relaxed for being in the middle of town (pop. 32,500) in broad daylight, alert but chewing her cud. I suggested my MIL get a list of deer-resistant plants to consult when making landscaping decisions!
That's it from my scattered brain, at . . .